How to use Yahoo! BB Wireless LAN System
- Default Setting
ESS-ID(SSID): "BBUser" (in some
cases "YBBUser") WEP KEY: has not been defined
- Turn off the modem.
- Insert the wireless LAN card to the card
slot of the modem.
- Turn on the modem.
- Simply follow the instruction for the wireless
system of your PC. If you have not defined
your own WEP key, you do not have to enter
anything when your computer asks for WEP
key (Network key).
- Select "Show all connections" from
"Start" menu.
- Right click "Wireless Network Connection"
and select "Properties"
- The "Wireless Network Connection Properties"
window appears.
Select the 'Wireless Networks' tab
Check "Use Windows to configure my wireless
network settings" Press "View Wireless Networks"
- Choose your wireless network ("BBUser"
if you have not changed ESS-ID)and press
- If you have defined your own WEP key (Network
key), enter the key and press "Connect".
- After the connection is established, the
status changes to "Connected"
- Enjoy the Internet!!
How to Setup WEP KEY
If you don't define your own WEP KEY, anybody
can access your wireless
network. So people
usually set up their
own WEP KEY. Here is
Trio Modem 3G-PLUS or BB Modem 4G users
- Connect your computer and modem using a LAN
- Access
- Enter the following information and press
-U S E R :"user" (in some cases
"ybbuser") -PASSWORD : "user" (in some cases
- Select "Easy Set Up Mode"
- You can change SSID (Name of your wireless
local area network). Press "NEXT"
to proceed .
- Select an encryption type and press "NEXT".
- Enter WEP key and press "NEXT".
- If you select "64(40)bits"and "ASCII",
WEP key has to be 5 letters long (0-9, a-z,
A-Z can be used).
- If you select "128(104)bits"and
"ASCII", WEP key has to be 13 letters
long (0-9, a-z, A-Z can be used).
- If you select "64(40)bits"and "hexadecimal",
WEP key has to be 10 digits (0-9, A-Z can
be used).
- If you select "128(104)bits"and
"hexadecimal", WEP key has to be
26 digits (0-9, A-Z can be used).
- Confirm the information and press "Save
and restart the modem".
- Press OK on the popup window.
- WEP key setting has been completed.
Trio Modem 3G/26M/12M users
- Connect your computer and modem using a LAN
- Access
- Enter the following information
U S E R :user (in some cases "ybbuser") PASSWORD : user (in some cases "ybbuser")
- Follow the pictures on the WEP Key Instruction(Yahoo! BB official homepage) and define
your own WEP key.
Key Point:
You can choose either "40bits/64bits"
or "128bits" for the length of
WEP key.
You can choose either " (hexadecimal number)" or " (alphanumeric characters(ASCII))" for
the cryptographic key
- If you select "40bits/64bits"and
"ASCII", WEPkey has to be 5 letters
long (0-9, a-z, A-Z can be used).
- If you select "128bits"and "ASCII",
WEP key has to be 13 letters long (0-9, a-z,
A-Z can be used).
- If you select "40bits/64bits"and
"hexadecimal", WEP key has to be
10 digits (0-9, A-Z can be used).
- If you select "128bits"and "hexadecimal",
WEP key has to be 26 digits (0-9, A-Z can
be used).