[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。

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Yahoo! BB Customer Supports
| Site Map |
Yahoo! BB
+ What's YahooBB?
+ Internet Speed
+ Monthly Charge

BB Phone
+ What's BB Phone?
+ Domestic Call
+ International Call

5 Months Free Internet

Account Info
+ Online Billing Info
+ Letters from YahooBB
+ Optional Services

Technical Info
+ Setting Up
+ Troubleshooting
+ Wireless LAN
+ Public Wireless LAN
+ Distance from NTT

Customer Supports
+ Information Center
+ Technical Support
+ Cancellation

+ What's BBTV?
+ Application
+ Customer Support
+ Cancellation


SoftBank BB Information Center
SoftBank BB Technical Support Center
SoftBank BB Billing Center
BBTV Customer Service Center
Yahoo! BB Cancellation

SoftBank BB ADSL Information Center

The Information Center can handle inquiries regarding your contract such as application status, addinng/deleting optional services, moving or cancellation.
Business Hours: 10 AM - 6 PM /7 days a week.

  • 0800-1111-820(Japanese toll free line)
  • 0800-1111-130(English toll free line)
  • 03-6688-1970(Japanese line for cell phone or IP phone)
  • 03-6888-4943(English line for cell phone or IP phone)

SoftBank BB ADSL Technical Support Center

Yahoo BB offers its technical assistance only in Japanese language. If you have a language problem, make sure to have someone who can call them with you.
Business Hours: 10AM - 7PM / 7 days a week.

  • 0800-2222-820(Japanese toll free line)
  • 03-6688-5120(Japanese line from cell phone or IP phone)

    <Press an appropriate extension number after each recorded guidance>
    Ext.1-2 Initial Setup
    Ext.1-3 Wireless Lan Package
    Ext. 3-1 Internet assistance
    Ext.4 BB Phone assistance

Softbank BB ADSL Billing Center (Ryoukin Center)

Billing Center takes inquiries regarding your bill or payment. If you do not speak Japanese, make sure to have someone who can call them with you.
Business Hours: 10 AM - 5PM / 7 days a week.
  • 0120-665-265 (Japanese toll free line from NTT phone or cell phone)
    Press No.4 for operator asssistance.


You can cancel your Yahoo BB service at the end of each month. Simply call SoftBank BB Information Center for the arrangement. You also have to send all the devices back to Yahoo BB. The shipping fee will be at your expense.

The Return Address of the devices:
Postal Code:

Chiba-ken, Kashiwa-shi, Shintoyofuta3-1
Logi Port Kashiwa Butsuryu Center 1st Floor
SoftBank BB Modem Kakari